
For us, sustainability is not just a part of our work – it is a fundamental pillar of achieving true project success. We believe sustainability is about more than just environmental issues; it is a way of working that considers both resources and people, today and in the future. By integrating a sustainability perspective into our work, we aim to enhance organizational maturity and create long-term sustainable outcomes.

What Sustainability Means to Us

For us, sustainable project management means that every initiative is planned, staffed, and executed with a long-term focus. We believe that a successful project should not only achieve its goals in the present, but also be repeatable without depleting resources, harming individuals’ well-being, or compromising the organization’s future.

By integrating this mindset at every stage of the project process, we create solutions that are both effective and sustainable, strengthening both the projects and organizations we work with.

Sustainability Strategy

We assist you in developing and implementing sustainability strategies that reflect both business needs and social responsibility.

Strategic Planning

We define sustainability goals, analyze the current state, and develop a concrete plan that supports your vision and long-term business objectives.

Sustainability Goals

We set measurable sustainability goals, implement relevant KPIs, and create tracking systems to monitor and optimize progress.

Training & Workshops

We offer customized training and workshops to raise awareness, enhance competence, and drive engagement on sustainability issues within your organization.

Sustainability Integration

We integrate sustainability into business models and internal processes to ensure long-term impact and strengthened competitiveness.

Sustainability Reporting

We assist you in creating sustainability reports according to international standards to enhance transparency and build trust with your stakeholders.

Responsible Sourcing

We map and optimize the supply chain to ensure sustainable, ethical, and business-responsible purchasing strategies that meet your needs.

Incorporating Sustainability into Projects

One of the most notable effects of actively working with sustainability and sustainable project management is the enhanced alignment with the organization’s sustainability strategy, bringing numerous benefits such as long-term competitiveness, improved public relations and reputation, and the ability to attract and retain talent. It can also lead to more efficient project execution by focusing on conscious decision-making, which results in better project outcomes and resource efficiency.

Sustainable Procurement

We support you in conducting procurement processes in a sustainable manner, considering environmental, social, and economic factors to promote long-term sustainability.

Procurement Strategy

We develop tailored procurement strategies that ensure your suppliers and partners are equally committed to sustainability and adhere to ethical and environmental guidelines.

Environmental & Social Criteria

We integrate sustainability criteria into the procurement process to ensure selected suppliers use environmentally friendly and ethical practices. This may include encouraging the use of recycled materials or ensuring responsible working conditions.

Development of Sustainable Policies

We assist you in creating internal guidelines for sustainable procurement that clearly define how environmental and social requirements should be integrated into all procurement decisions, strengthening your organization in the long term.

Sustainable Resource Planning

We assist you in planning and utilizing resources in a way that minimizes environmental impact and maximizes efficiency, while supporting your sustainability efforts.

Resource Efficiency

By analyzing and optimizing resource usage in projects, we ensure that labor and materials are utilized effectively to reduce waste and surplus.

Resource Allocation

We prioritize sustainable alternatives by selecting materials and methods that minimize environmental impact and maximize long-term sustainability in your projects.

Lifecycle Perspective

We plan and execute projects with a holistic view, considering long-term sustainability and environmental impact from procurement to decommissioning.

Capacity Planning

We ensure efficient resource utilization by analyzing capacity needs and optimizing the allocation of labor and materials to increase productivity.

Additional Services for Increased Maturity

Get in touch with us!

Johanna Fransson håller utbildning

14 juni - 18 juni

Project Management in practice

Project Management in Practice är en 3-dagars grundläggande utbildning som riktar sig till individer som strävar efter att fördjupa sina kunskaper inom projektledning. Ta steget och anmäl dig här!