Self-governing Organizations

[how we work and govern ourselves]

What does it mean to be a self-governing organization? Can this organizational structure help achieve your goals – and if so, how? Does it actually function effectively? Arkatay is a self-governing organization that adheres to self-governing principles, and we are keen to share our expertise on this matter. Insight is one of Arkatay’s core values, and to enrich the ecosystem, we actively engage in educating and disseminating our knowledge. Our aim is to bridge the gap between relevant best practices and our clients. Collaborating with our clients, we strive to develop practical, customized solutions rooted in best practices.

Inspiration from TEAL

Arkatay Consulting is a purpose-driven company that advocates for the values of participation and well-being. We are inspired by the Teal organizational model and organize ourselves into self-managing teams, coordinated and supported by central management functions. We use our purpose and values to guide our decisions and navigate the company’s long-term direction.

Well-being & Participation

To uphold the values of well-being and participation, we’ve implemented a structure where employees own the company, ensuring everyone has equal formal power and enabling decisions to be made by anyone. We’re confident that these principles cultivate a dynamic workplace, guarantee sustainable company growth over time, and foster personal development for individuals within the organization.

We lead by example

Alongside practicing our principles, we’re dedicated to sharing insights on self-governing organizations. Drawing from extensive practical experience with self-governing teams and organizations, we’re grounded in a robust theoretical framework based on industry best practices.

Don’t hesitate to contact us; we’re eager to share our experiences with you!

From Theory to Practice

We’ve conducted significant seminars on self-governing organizations, aiming to generate knowledge and share our experiences while practically exploring how you can apply this organizational model in your business context. In essence, we provide consultancy services to guide organizations interested in adopting this model, assisting with where to begin, what factors to consider, and what outcomes to expect. But our support doesn’t end there; we accompany you throughout the entire process, ensuring successful implementation and offering change management to achieve the desired effects.

Get in touch with us!

Johanna Fransson håller utbildning

14 juni - 18 juni

Project Management in practice

Project Management in Practice är en 3-dagars grundläggande utbildning som riktar sig till individer som strävar efter att fördjupa sina kunskaper inom projektledning. Ta steget och anmäl dig här!