Steering Group Training

[prerequisites for success]

The governance of projects is crucial for ensuring that the right projects are initiated along with that the projects and its project managers are provided with the right prerequisites to succeed. The steering group is the strongest, and often the only, link between an organization’s strategy and the work done within projects and/or programs, making it one of the organization’s most important functions. This, in turn, makes the work of the steering group team crucial for retaining the long-term benefits of the projects

For a stronger, more confident, and more effective steering group

In Arkatay's steering group training, potential members are equipped to fulfill their individual roles effectively and ensure the overall success of the steering group.

From theory to reality

The training integrates global best practices such as ISO 21500, PRINCE2®, and PMBOK®, transforming these frameworks into concrete approaches. By focusing on outcomes and value realization, and by practically applying the work of the steering group to ensure smooth operation, participants are equipped with tools to translate theory into practice in a meaningful way.

Roles & responsibilities

The training places significant emphasis on effective behaviors and responsibilities, which often differentiate between good intentions and sustainable project success. Within this area, topics such as the context and responsibility of the steering group for strategy are addressed, along with questions regarding decision-making and by whom.

Current Course Offerings

Explore our current training programs here and join us as we collaborate to pave your way towards knowledge, success, and personal development!

Goal-oriented steering group training

For a successful project, it is crucial to provide it with the right conditions to succeed. This ultimately means ensuring that those who lead and oversee the project have sufficient competence to deliver and achieve sustainable project success. It may also be important to review one’s own work methods and the roles within the steering group – for example, how can one work most effectively in a steering group? Based on best practice, what works in our organization? Do we have the right abilities and competencies? Are we monitoring the important perspectives for the project to succeed? And if not, how do we ensure this?

Get in touch with us!

Johanna Fransson håller utbildning

14 juni - 18 juni

Project Management in practice

Project Management in Practice är en 3-dagars grundläggande utbildning som riktar sig till individer som strävar efter att fördjupa sina kunskaper inom projektledning. Ta steget och anmäl dig här!